Work experience

11.2022 -

11.2022 - now

Software developer at Bosch Sicherheitssysteme Engineering

Software development for security systems.

11.2020 -

11.2020 - 10.2022

Software developer AI at Grundig Business Systems

Software development for a speech assistant supported application as part of SPEAKER.
Implementation of a C# microservice architecture with an Angular frontend and dialogue management with Rasa.
Hosting of services within a Kubernetes cluster with Istio and Dapr.
Integration of speech recognition services and corresponding post processing within a SaaS.
Development of a .NET Framework client application for dictation in arbitrary text fields.

07.2019 -

07.2019 - 10.2020

Research assistant at Fraunhofer IAIS

Software development for the Open Roberta Lab (GitHub: OpenRoberta/openroberta-lab).
Implementation of new features and continued support for robot systems, mainly serverside.
Integration of new robot systems.
Development and support for multi platform robot connection applications.
Automation for application and crosscompiler resource deployment.
Organisation and mentoring for Google Summer of Code and Google Code-in.
Mentoring students in augmented reality projects in cooperation with Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.

11.2017 - 06.2019

Research student at Fraunhofer IAIS

Software development for the Open Roberta Lab (GitHub: OpenRoberta/openroberta-lab).
Implementation of new features and continued support for robot systems, mainly serverside.
Integration of new robot systems.
Development and support for multi platform robot connection applications.
Development of an Android application to generate 3D models from 2D children’s drawings, display them in augmented reality and interaction of robots with these objects.

10.2014 - 02.2017

Research student at Fraunhofer IIS

Further development of light field algorithms.
Further development of a light field plugin suite for Nuke.
Development of a Blender plugin for the simulation of a multi camera array and generating synthetic depth maps.
Development of an Unreal Engine demonstrator to embed light field data in virtual reality.


03.2017 - 06.2019

MSc Computer Science at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences
Emphasis Visual Computing

Thesis: “Deep Learning Applications in 2D-to-3D Sketch Based Modelling”
Development of an augmented reality Android application for 3D display of children’s drawings and related deep learning algorithms.

10.2013 - 02.2017

BEng Media Engineering at Nuremberg Institute of Technology
Emphasis Media Production

Thesis: “Integration of Light Field Data in a Computer-Generated 3D Environment”
Development of an Unreal Engine demonstrator to embed light field data in virtual reality.